Press Release Samples
My Future Consulting Named One of 20 Best Chicago Employment Agencies
Michiana VegFest Invites Public to Explore Vegan Lifestyle
Digital Lion Donates 10% of Profits to Brown Bagging for Calvary Kids
Digital Lion donates to Canadian Cancer Society
Complimentary Consultation on Your Cell Tower Lease Rates or Contracts in 2018
Cell Tower Expert Offers Free Consultation to Get Highest Lease Rates for Landowners
Good Karma Vegan Cafe to Celebrate SF Beer
MedMar Healing Center Offers Summary of Ongoing Research Study Results
First iPhone 5 Spy Software Hits the Market Site Design Created to Help Drivers Save Time When Searching for DMV Information
Complimentary cell tower lease or buyout consultation offered Holding Airfare Sale on Jacksonville Flights
Digital Lion donates 10% of profits to Brown Bagging for Calgary Kids
Week with Daily Events
Uzurp Unveils Affordable Registered Investment Advisor Database
Soap Soundz Launches "Hygiene Heroes" Line
Carex Shipping Upgrades Its Overseas
Java Joe's Fundraising Offers Lucrative Coffee Fundraising Program
Motorcycle Shipping Service
New Spring Break Option for College Students
Christian Coloring Contest Open to Kids of All Ages, Cash Prizes Up for Grabs
African Wildlife Artist Jacquie Vaux Announces Completion of “North American Wilderness” Project
Copywriting Project Samples
Miami Grill Catering (wrote 140+ pages on the site covering venues and parks)
Wave Window Washing (entire site)
Boomer Fitness (wrote many pages of copy for the website)
My Future Consulting (wrote owner bio, as well as numerous other projects)
Advanced Rehab Consultants brochure (writing and design)
Fairway Mortgage brochure (writing and design)
Courtyard Marriott Catering Menu Project
Climate Control brochure
ICC Software Brochure
Advanced Rehab Consultants postcard (writing and design)
ARC quarter page ad (writing and design)
ARC sales letter
Emery Federal Credit Union sales letter
Pet Airapy sales letter
BluPointe Software sales letter
Video script for divorce video
Book writing
Ghostwritten eight books, with topics that cover business and health.
Nonfiction book on blogging: "Blogging for Bucks: How to Create, Promote, and Profit from Your Blog"
Historical fiction novel: "Blueberry Steel"
Nonfiction book on blogging: "Starting Your Career as a Professional Blogger"
Magazine and Newspaper Articles Writing Samples
The Ocean: Our most valuable resource
The Impact of Nature-Based & Eco-Tourism Activities
High Growth Business from the Micaplex
East Coast Wildlife Rehabilitation Center Helps, Hurdles Challenges
Take a hike!
The path to reinvention
Cool off this summer in the springs!
Shell mounds share secrets of area's history
Observe nature closer by becoming a birder
Recognizing and addressing self harm
What success looks like
Viewing and helping the manatees
Join the world's largest volunteer effort to clean beaches
Give paddling a try
Food science and profitability
Long distance grandparents
This Earth Day, make the commitment to recycle more!
Understanding the gopher tortoise
Flagler Beach aims to keep it local and organic
Exploring the scrub ecosystem in West Volusia
Recognizing and addressing conduct disorder
Taking the slow boat
The Emotional Impact of Infertility
Time Management Tips for Work at Home Moms
Website Copy - all the copy for the site, including main and sub pages
Halifax Health - numerous pages, including these radiology ones: this one, this one, this one, this one, this one,
Home Remedies for Acne
Foods that Cause Acne
Types of Acne
Grants for Native Americans (most of the content for the site)
Blogging samples
Volusia County Moms (Jacqueline's blog) (Jacqueline's blog)
Florida Family Nature (Jacqueline's blog)
Signal Advantage (most of the blog posts)
Keepin' Cool Auto Air Conditioning (many blog posts)
Sandyeggo Designs (numerous posts including this one, this one, this one, and this one)
There are numerous blogs that I ghostwrite for on a monthly basis, including for doctors and businesses.
Read client testimonials here.