Jacqueline Bodnar is an expert press release writer for hire.
A full-time professional freelance writer since 2004, she has a master’s degree in professional writing and has written thousands of press releases. She works with numerous PR agencies to write their press releases and is hired by many individual companies that need a professional press release writer.
With each press release she writes, she formulates a release that will get traction, make headlines, and help create interesting pieces for outlets of all facets to publish and deliver to their audience. She has written thousands of press releases over the years and knows how to create a release that will help a company, product, and story get attention.
In addition to her work in public relations, Jacqueline has had well over 3,000 bylined articles in newspapers, magazines, and other publications worldwide over the last two decades. She has also ghostwritten eight books covering topics in health, wellness, and business and had three books published in her name, including the nonfiction books "Starting Your Career as a Professional Blogger," and "Blog for Bucks: How to Create, Promote, and Profit from Your Blog," and the historical fiction novel "Blueberry Steel." She has also been a successful blogger since 2009, maintaining her own blogs and blogging for others.
Contact Jacqueline if you need someone to write a press release for your company or agency.